Achieving IBHRE certification symbolizes your commitment to excellence in heart rhythm management. Preparation is key for your success. Note: While IBHRE offers educational resources, it does not offer training.
In this section you’ll find a:
- link to the Candidate Handbook that includes a detailed content outline for each exam so you know exactly what to study
- comprehensive reading list for each
- list of related links to extended affiliated programs
We trust you will find these tools helpful and wish you much success! Note: Completing the recommending reading materials or educational courses does not guarantee successful completion of an IBHRE certification exam. Using recommended educational materials does not simplify, make easier, or make less expensive the certification process.
Exam Information
- About Computer-Based Testing
- Candidate Handbook
- Computer-Based Testing Tutorials
- Exam Development Process
- Exam Scheduling
- FAQs
- Recertification
- Steps to Certification
- Study Tips
- Verification of Continuing Education
- Virtual Coffee Chats
Educational Information
- HRS Core Concepts in EP
- HRS Core Concepts in Remote Monitoring
- IBHRE-CCI Partnership to Promote Certification
- IBHRE's Online Device Course
- Mentorship Program
- Online Device Course: Cardiac Device Education & Self Assessment (CDESA)
- Online EP Course: The EP Learning ExPerience™
- Reading Lists
- Related Links
- Upcoming Events: Online Programs, Interactive Experiences, Professional Bootcamps, etc.