Allied Professional CDRMS Exam Content Outline

Developed in 2020 in collaboration with the National Board of Medical Examiners, IBHRE conducted a blueprint exercise and blueprint survey completed by device remote monitoring subject matter experts. These activities set the foundation to establish the following for the Cardiac Device Remote Monitoring Specialist (CDRMS) exam:

  • Broad areas of knowledge in which a candidate certified in device remote monitoring should be proficient,
  • Specific areas of knowledge within each broader area that are important to practice and that will serve as a basis for writing questions for the examination, and
  • The relative weight of each category or the percentage of questions to be allocated.

To view the current certification exam content outline, please click here.

CDRMS Content


Successful completion of the IBHRE Cardiac Device Remote Monitoring Specialist Certification Examination is not a requirement to perform or participate in device remote monitoring, and does not attest to the overall capability or competency of any physician or allied professional. IBHRE examinations are written examinations only and do not include any testing in a practical setting. IBHRE does not intend to interfere with or to restrict the professional activity of a licensed physician because the physician has not successfully completed the examination. Similarly, IBHRE does not intend to interfere with or to restrict the professional activity of a non-physician because of these examination processes.

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