Reading Lists
The texts found on the Cardiac EP Reading List, Cardiac Rhythm Device Reading List and Cardiac Device Remote Monitoring Reading List are listed by IBHRE as possible resources for exam preparation. The lists are not exclusive as other texts may also prove useful for the purpose of exam preparation. By listing the texts, IBHRE does not imply that all texts should be consulted in preparation for the exam. Familiarity with any or all of these texts does not guarantee successful completion of the exam.
Exam candidates should be aware the IBHRE exams are not written according to any single text. The reading lists and resources referenced by IBHRE are recommended guides for exam candidates. The list of recommended resources promoted by IBHRE is not exclusive and should not be interpreted as a guaranteed means of passing the exam. There is no guarantee that the answers to all IBHRE exam questions will be found within these references. It is also possible that the references listed may have perceptions, which differ from those of IBHRE. For purposes of the examination, the IBHRE interpretation will prevail. IBHRE does not recommend any one course of study or means of preparing for the exam over another.