Call for Leadership - Ambassador Chair

IBHRE is seeking nominations for its Call for Leadership.

  • Are you interested in serving as Chair of the Ambassador Program?
  • Have you been an active IBHRE Ambassador?

The Chair serves a 2-year term effective June 2022 to May 2024. To view the Ambassador Chair Description and the Ambassadors' Charge, please go to IBHRE's Governance Handbook.

If interested, forward your CV, along with a cover letter that includes the following:

  • Your experience as an Ambassador,
  • Three goals for the Ambassadors for 2022-2024, and
  • An explanation as to why you wish to serve as Chair.

Nominations are due by Friday, May 27, 2022. Those who have been nominated will be contacted by IBHRE staff and must submit the required information. Self-nominations/applications are also being accepted. All individuals, whether nominated or self-nominated, must submit CV and statement by June 3, 2022.

A slate of candidates, along with the applications, will be presented to the Ambassadors for an election in June.

Questions? Contact IBHRE.

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